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A little about me and how you can get in touch


I solve problems
… creatively


It all started when…

… when
… to be honest, I don’t know how or when it started. I’m just glad that I found the inspiration to do something about it. I seem to have an insatiable curiosity. Always asking how or why.

A brief side note, I must give a tip of the hat to my family, who during my childhood were under a constant barrage of questions, in most cases barely able to finish answering one before the next question was queuing up for response. And in the instances where there was no-one to answer or an answer wasn’t forthcoming I would ponder the potential solutions to my quandaries… vocally.
Yes, I was one of those kids who’s internal monologue was on loud speaker.

This unquenchable thirst has left me with a very broad set of skills and a monstrous general knowledge. Fortunately, this has put me in a position to follow my true vocation… Creation.

I like to make things. All kinds of things. Conceptual, physical, digital, philosophical and everything in between.

I like to make things for myself, to sate my curiosity, test concepts or push boundaries.
I also like to make things for other people, especially when that means helping them bring their visions to life.

Solutions are my target and the joy that comes from them is my currency.
If it was possible, I’d be happy to “trade furs” for everything that I do.
Unfortunately money is a necessity in our world, but it isn’t a primary motivator for me.

I’m a hippy by nature and have a deep love for our natural world, because of this I strive to create with as small an impact on the environment as possible.
I love using old things to create new things, not only does it help with waste and aid in saving our world, but it gives once loved things the ability to be loved again, in a new way…
… Rebirth… New life… New love.

So for those of you that want to incorporate something old and maybe a little tired but has personal meaning or aesthetic value into something special that is relative to your current philosophy/world, then I’m someone that you need to get in touch with.

Alternatively, if you like my style and you have a creation in mind (or just want to own one of mine)… Then it’s time to get in touch with the Artful Raven.


Say Hey

Also find me on social media:



My journey so far


Throughout the years I have traveled around the globe
Visiting countries in Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
Finding inspiration through the creations of others.

A couple years after finishing high school, following my creative path
I studied Graphic Design at Billy Blue College of Design, Sydney.

I worked in the design industry for a few years, mostly doing freelance work
but youth and inexperience pulled me away from design and towards that which most of the youthful crave, but do not have… Money.

Which inevitably led me to Corporate Sales. I was a good salesman and stayed the course for a few years. This period taught me two things.
The first, was that I like people and to be customer service driven.
The second (as it turns out) was that I was not motivated by money.

Every month the commission clock is reset and the race starts again.
For someone not motivated by money, that makes sales a tough gig.

The creative call was sounding its horn once again.
The call to create became too much to bare.
I needed the ability to look at my work and have something tangible to
judge myself on, for better or worse, to learn from mistakes
and to be able to grow .

With that in mind, a new goal was in sight… Structures.
Time to start building things, so I went to TAFE and spent a few years studying Cabinet Making whilst working in the field as is required.
I had the opportunity to help to build beautiful kitchens, bathrooms, wardrobes and other internal built in furnishings.

I was ready, it was time to strike out on my own.
I had newly developed skills with a history of design
and strong customer focus.
As with any new business, it’s hard work at the start and I was willing to take whatever work came my way. Which meant taking on lots of smaller jobs.
So I ended up doing repairs and remedial work and although my initial focus was custom joinery and internal structures, that soon and organically led me into the carpentry field and external structures, decks, stairs and pergolas.

For the next 8 years I ran a successful little handyman business which had me doing everything from changing washers in the sink to doing house renovations and everything in between. To keep the creative flare alive I embarked on a journey with a friend of mine, Scott Carless, and we created Ravens-Eye which we spent over a year designing and building.

Ravens-Eye was just the outlet I needed, it gave me a work space to let the creative beast off the leash for while and let it have a good play.
Unfortunately, the cost of the space wasn’t viable, property in Sydney is a very hot commodity.

Sydney is an expensive city to live in and with property prices going bananas.
My wife and I decided that looking around to see whether there weren’t any other options around was probably a good idea.
We owned and lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment, my wife was pregnant and on maternity leave. Whilst waiting for our daughter to arrive and pondering what it was going to be like for the 3 of us to exist in the small space, my wife was offered a great job opportunity in Brisbane.

So we sold up and headed to the Gold Coast. Which is aptly named
For it was here that we found our El Dorado, our city of gold.

With my wife working full time, I was tasked with caring for our blessed bundle of joy. What an incredibly rewarding experience.
What an eye opening experience, I have new found respect for the housewives and homemakers of the world.
(also a little shout out to the child care workers)
During this period, my creative nature turned to the culinary arts
(small children are not big fans of power tools) and my journey into food began

Savouries, sweets, baking, meats, fruit and veg, herbs and spices
What an incredible array of brushes to use paint on the palate.
Not to mention the textural variations - talk about mixed media.

A little over a year later and we are settled in our new wonderful home in our new wonderful city and the creative call is sounding its horn once again.

I have a wealth of skills, I can work with and on almost any medium
Digital media
Classic art media - paints, chalks, pencils, charcoals etc
Construction media - timber, metal, glass, ceramic
Mixed media - light and electricity
Culinary media - all things tasty

I have a monstrous general knowledge, particularly when it comes to
things in the home, including the structure itself.

I love finding solutions, especially those that are challenging and allow
an artistic flare or variation.

I love creation.

I am Scott Jennings.

I am the Artful Raven.